Lactation Support in Hampton Roads

Your breastfeeding goals are our goals


Below is our current availability of services as of January 2024.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.  Please follow us onInstagram for current news and updates for classes and free community offerings. 

Schedule by phone or text message for self pay


Beach Babies Lactation Support, LLC is currently participating in insurance plans through The Lactation Network.  Please use this link to schedule and to check if your insurance is accepted. Self Pay will receive an invoice prior to the visit. 

In Network for Tricare coming soon!!

Codes commonly used are CPT 99344, 99342, ICD-10 Z39.1

Services that are provided in office will be at

Empower- A Birth Collective.

809 Brandon Ave Ste 208

Norfolk, Va   

Door code is *0100. 

Turn left at top of stairs or from elevator.  Office is the first right turn.


In Home Lactation Consultation (approx 2 hours) $300

Initial consult includes free phone support for 6 weeks following last appointment

Pump Fitting add on available


Follow up In Home Consultation (1-2 hours) $175


Breastfeeding Classes no fee

Join us for the 4th Tuesdays of each month at 630pm.  They are available virtually and in our Norfolk office.  


Weekly Lactation Clinics no fee

Schedule TBA**

Partners, support people, and siblings are welcome

Weight checks, latch checks and get answers to your questions from our IBCLC


Virtual Consults $250

Virtual Consults are available through Google Meet

Ideal for issues like Bottle Refusal, Infant, Toddler, or Preschooler Breastfeeding Behavior evaluations, 

Please use this option if you have a fever, cough, flu-like symptoms or have come into contact with someone who tested positive for Coronavirus